Luke 2:21-22 ルカによる福音書2章21~22節(新 p.103)
長期宣教師 ケイティ・ナルム
I’m sure you have noticed that we start our worship every day by lighting two candles. But why do we do that? There are many reasons to light candles when we gather to worship together, at Luther, in church, or anywhere else. One of them is to remind us that Jesus, is the light of the world. The small flame of a candle reminds us of the great light of God’s love for us, given form in Jesus Christ. That focus on light as a symbol for Jesus is why February 2nd in the church calendar when we remember the presentation of Christ in the temple, is also called Candlemas.
Candlemas is also a turning point in the church year, when we leave behind the season of Epiphany, when the wise men visited Jesus, and begin looking forward towards Lent and Easter. And so even as we celebrate the light of Christ in the world, we start to look ahead to the darkness of Lent, Good Friday, and the cross. But the candles we light remind us that darkness does not triumph – the light cannot be put out.
The light is not only in Jesus but also in us too. You can light so many candles from just one flame. The light gets bigger and spreads out. So much light comes from one light, and the one light does not get any smaller. I wonder how that happens. Even when we blow our candles out, the light is still within us.
We are all called to carry the light of Christ out into the world with us to “shine as a light in the world to the glory of God”. Sometimes that means telling people about what Jesus has done for us. Sometimes it means serving others as we would serve Christ. And sometimes it means just being there, holding the Christ-light for others so that they know they are not alone in the dark.
Sometimes it feels like that isn’t enough. Sometimes the light we bear seems like the tiniest tealight in a pitch-dark cave. It must have seemed like that to Jesus’ friends after his death, but in the end, a new light dawned, the glorious light of the resurrection, and they could see that the light had never really been put out at all.
So, wherever we go and whatever we do, let us try to be aware of the light of Christ which we carry with us. Let us look for ways to show others the love of God which enlightens us. However dark the darkness seems, the light still shines. The sun will rise. The son is risen.
Let us pray.
In today’s busyness, help us take a moment to be still and sit with you. To slow down, breathe deeply, and release our burdens to your strong hand. You are trustworthy, good, and true, and we thank you for caring for us so deeply and beautifully. Open our eyes to see you at work today. Give us your light.
In Jesus’ name, Amen.