

5月14日Katie Narum先生

チャプレン 崔 大凡


“One day Jesus was praying in a certain place. When he had finished, one of his disciples said to him, ‘Lord, teach us to pray, just as John taught his disciples.’” (Luke 11:1 )


Do you like to travel? Let’s go on a TRIP. Maybe you think the word trip means to travel or ryoko, but it has another meaning also. It is related to praying.


When we say “pray” there are actually two different kinds of prayer. One is a conversation between one person and God. In this kind of prayer, there are absolutely no rules. Individual prayer can be done anywhere, anytime, between you and God.


However, there is another kind of prayer. It is called “communal prayer” and it often has a few “rules” that most Christians follow. Communal prayer is when one person prays out-loud. Other people listen with their ears, but repeat the same words with their hearts.
When we do communal prayer, we need to think about the people who are listening and lead them to say the things that they need to say to God.


Jesus taught his disciples a long, very formal prayer that we call in English, the Lord’s Prayer. But there are other ways to do communal prayer. One of the methods I have heard about uses the word TRIP.

イエスは弟子たちに長い、とてもフォーマルな祈りを教えました。それは英語ではthe lord’s prayerと呼ばれています。しかし,共同の祈りには他にも方法があるのです。私が聞いたことのある方法の1つはTRIPという言葉を使うものです。

The word trip is spelled, T-R-I-P. The first letter stands for Thanks. Tell God what you are thankful. Are you thankful for the weather? For your friends? Tell God. This is part of the idea of Kanonhoshi. We are thankful for the life and breath that God gives us. At the beginning of our prayer, we tell God what we are thankful for.


The R in TRIP stands for Repent. Repent means to say I’m sorry for the things that we have done wrong. Tell God about your mistakes. Tell God that you are sorry for yelling at your mom or dad. God will give you the strength to tell other people you are sorry also. God already knows the bad things that we did, but God wants to hear that we are sorry.


I means Intercession. This is a big word, but it is a simple idea. It means we pray for others. We pray for the health of our family, for our sports team captain,for those in the Ukraine. Intercession is praying for others.

IはIntercession 仲裁という意味です。これは難しい言葉に聞こえるかもしれませんが考え方はシンプルです。他者のために祈るということです。例えば家族の健康のために、スポーツチームのキャプテンのために、そしてウクライナの人々のためになど、Intercession とは、他者のために祈ることです。

The last letter, P, is for Protection for ourselves. In the Lord’s Prayer we say, “Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.” We ask God to protect us from the evil things in this world. Protect me from getting into trouble, God.

Trip の最後の文字Pは Protection 自分自身を守るためのものです。


This idea of TRIP will help you to pray, in your own conversation with God, as well as in communal prayer, leading others’ in speaking to God.

このTRIP の考え方はあなた自身の神との対話や共同の祈りにおいても、また他の人に神に語りかけるよう導く際にもあなたを助けてくれるでしょう。

Let us pray. お祈りしましょう

Dear heavenly Father, Thank you for the chance to worship you today. Give us courage to come to you in prayer, whether it is by ourselves or leading others in prayer.


In Your name we pray,


Amen. アーメン。